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Aleksandr Klimuk, by (photographer) Artur Baboev and Aleksey Shtorkh

Golden Horse

Abrams, 2014
Страниц: 216
Hailing from Central Asia, the Akhal Teke is a horse breed known for its speed, intelligence and shimmering metallic coat. Prized for its athleticism and endurance, the Akhal Teke was the mount of warriors, from Alexander the Great to Ghengis Khan. Legend describes how a young nomad captured a magical stallion the colour of liquid fire, which he rode to the stars and back to earth. A direct descendant of the super horse of the ancient world, the Akhal Teke proclaims its noble lineage with its golden sheen and regal gait. Featuring more than 150 images of this elegant animal, Golden Horse reveals the beauty of the little-known Akhal Teke through the lens of Artur Baboev, a Russian photographer whose love for the breed sent him on a quest across the globe. Accompanied by a comprehensive text on the history and qualities of the “golden horse,” this is a must-have for all horse lovers, owners, breeders and riders.
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