Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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National Geographic: Dawn to Dark Photographs: The Magic of Light

Daybreak whispers mauve over a long ocean horizon. A slender crescent moon caresses a gnarled tree standing alone on the heath. Full of one-of-a-kind photographs, this breathtaking photo collection, now in mini format, gives readers a front-row seat to the world's wonders, from its most imposing cityscapes to its most pristine landscapes. Selected from the portfolios of National Geographic's most celebrated photographers, the images in this book are strikingly arranged to depict the beauty and majesty of light in all its variations. Short legends accompany every photograph to explain how the shot was captured, along with inspiring quotations from literature. With the widest possible array of perspectives, close-ups, and details, these photos present a new experience of time and light.

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