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John Shaw

John Shaw's Guide to Digital Nature Photography

Amphoto Books, 2015
Страниц: 240
Формат: 200x245
John Shaw is the author of seven previous photography books published by Amphoto: his authentic voice and trusted advice has helped photographers achieve impressive shots in the great outdoors for decades. In his first-ever book on digital photography, Shaw provides in-depth advice on everything from equipment and lenses, composition, and close-ups, to up-to-date information on software filtration and the histogram. In addition, he offers inspirational and frank insight that goes far beyond the nuts and bolts of photography, explaining that successful photos come from having a vision, practicing, and then acquiring the equipment needed to accomplish the intention. Easily digestible and useful for every type of photographer, "John Shaw's Guide to Digital Nature Photography" is sure to be the new classic in the category.

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