Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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старые и старинные фотографии

Cher Threinen-Pendarvis

The Photoshop and Painter Artist Tablet Book: Creative Techniques in Digital Painting

Peachpit Press, 2004
Страниц: 256
As much art book as guide, The Photoshop and Painter Artist Tablet Book: Creative Techniques in Digital Painting uses traditional drawing and painting theory exercises, coupled with real-life projects, to show readers how they can use Painter and Photoshop with pressure-sensitive tablets to draw and paint with a computer. Award-winning artist and author Cher Threinen-Pendarvis shares her own drawings and paintings with the readers, sharing her creative thought processes and composition design secrets that she uses in her own work. In this gorgeous, large format, full-color book, Cher takes readers step-by-step through a variety of projects designed to improve their drawing, composition, and conceptual thought processes while exploring different uses of the many brushes available in Painter and Photoshop. Along the way, Cher shows readers how to set up a pressure-sensitive tablet and stylus; use mark-making tools in Photoshop and Painter; create tonal, gestural, and contour drawings...
Категории каталога:
Adobe Photoshop

Фотография, сделанная для модельного агентства "Cats". Съемка была буквально вчера. Просто она нам очень понравилась, вот и решили поделиться ею с миром :)

21 ноября: Мастер-класс Fashion-фотографа в Санкт-Петербурге
Представляем вашему вниманию: 21 ноября в воскресение в Санкт-Петербурге состоится Мастер-класс известного в России и Европе московского Fashion-фотографа Niyazz (Нияз) «FASHION, BEAUTY & POSTPRODUCTION» На мастер-классе каждый, наблю...

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