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Pieter van der Merwe

The Queen's House

Scala Arts Publishers, 2012
Страниц: 128
Формат: 165x190
This highly illustrated book contextualizes the Queen's House within its setting of Maritime Greenwich, a World Heritage Site. From its origins as a royal residence designed by Inigo Jones, to its use by the Royal Naval Asylum and Greenwich Hospital School and more recently as the home to the National Maritime Museum's vast painting collection, the book explores the architectural significance of the house and provides an insight into its cultural and social uses. Beautifully illustrated throughout with nearly 100 images from the National Maritime Museum's collection, this book is a delightful mix of historic prints, scenic paintings and up to date photography. The author, Dr. Pieter van der Merwe, is general editor of the National Maritime Museum and has published extensively on the topics of Greenwich and Maritime History.

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