Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Andrew Birkin

Jane & Serge: A Family Album

Taschen, 2013
Страниц: 172
Формат: 260x220
The highly public love affair of French singer-songwriter Serge Gainsbourg and British actress Jane Birkin captured the hearts and imaginations of a generation. The moment Jane and Serge met on a movie set in 1968, sparks flew. They would spend the next 12 years together, a passionate union that produced the controversial duet "Je t aime... moi non plus" (whose explicit lyrics and orgasmic moans caused so much fuss that the Vatican declared it offensive) and, in 1971, the legendary album Melody Nelson as well as a daughter, Charlotte, who has become a successful actress in her own right. From the earliest days of Jane and Serge's romance until their split in 1980, Jane s brother Andrew Birkin was a frequent presence in their lives; an avid photographer, he snapped thousands of candid family photos during those years. Birkin s pictures very few of which have ever been published offer a rare view of daily life for the couple, bringing us back to a place and time we have long idolized....
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