Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Editors of Life Magazine

Life: In Hollywood

Life, 2003
Страниц: 128
Book Descriptionn 1927, the same year that The Jazz Singer became the first 'talkie', a group of film and studio visionaries organized The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.What the Academy began in 1927 has led to a 75 year parade of glitz, glamour, stars, stargazing, envy, embarrassment, tears, turmoil, controversy, cattiness, style, silliness, excitement and over-the-top emotion as only Hollywood can serve up. Nowhere has the history of the Oscars been chronicled so lavishly as in the pages of LIFE, and so, in the Spring of 2003, LIFE will publish a special celebratory edition: OSCAR! 75 Years of the Academy Awards. All the great and not-so-great moments, from Goldie Hawn's 'Oh my God!' to Sally Field's 'You really like me!' will be remembered. In special features, all the wild styles and faux pas will be revisited.

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