Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Jane Gallop

Living With His Camera

Страниц: 197
Book DescriptionPhotography is usually written about from the point of view of either the photographer or the viewer. Living with His Camera offers a perspective rarely represented?that of the photographed subject. Dick Blau has been making art photographs of the people he lives with for more than thirty years; cultural theorist Jane Gallop has been living with him?and his camera?for twenty years. Living with His Camera is Gallop?s nuanced meditation on photography and the place it has in her private life and in her family. A reflection on family, it attempts?like Blau?s photographs themselves?to portray the realities of family life beyond the pieties of conventional representations. Living with His Camera is aboutsome of the most pressing issues of visuality and some of the most basic issues of daily life. Gallop considers intimate photographs of moments both dramatic and routine: of herself giving birth to son Max or crying in the midst of an...
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Критический обзор

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уникальная выставка ретрообъективов в Галерее Классической Фотографии
Зрители увидят эволюцию фотооптики за 130 лет. В Галерее Классической Фотографии представлена крупнейшая в России частная коллекция фотообъективов. Экспозиция насчитывает около 230 экспонатов, большинство из которых 0редкие и уникальные экземпляры. Самые старые линзы, которые помнят выражение лиц королевских особ и первых поселенцев Америки, относятся к XIX веку. На выставке представлены объективы для любительской и […]

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