Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Ken McAlpine

Diving the World: Photography by Norbert Wu

Страниц: 384
Book DescriptionPreeminent photographer Norbert Wu travels to the ends of the earth to showcase an array of dive spots including reefs, wrecks, caves, and drifts. Here are schooling hammerheads and spawning corals, curious sea creatures and dense kelp forests, captured in breathtaking full color photographs. Ken McAlpine?s commentary outlines each locale's geography and choice dive sites, the best seasons to explore specific areas, and ideal times and places to see favorite species and extraordinarybehaviors. Also included are topside tips for the nondiver and current preservation issues related to the sea and its inhabitants. Beautifully packaged and produced, this impressive coffee-table book of 350 color photographs and maps appeals to diving enthusiasts, naturalists, conservationists, boaters, and anyone captivated by the sea.

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Нa фoнe эскaлaции прoтивoстoяния в Сирии нa Дoнбaссe вырoслo числo oбстрeлoв, Рoссия пeрeбрaсывaeт тexнику ближe…

Экс-нардеп рассказал подробности о [народном трибуналеk
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