Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Clara Bulfoni

Lost China : The Photographs of Leone Nani

Страниц: 224
Book Description The stunning photographic reportage of Father Leone Nani presents early twentieth-century China as seen through the lens of an "outsider" who brought to life the people, places and traditions of a lost empire. The sheer quality and quantity of his pictures, the choice of subjects and handling of widely different situations, have reserved Nani the right to be considered a master of black-and-white photography. Leone Nani (1880-1935) lived in central China from 1904 to 1914. Hismissionary work took him to remote villages where he captured a world beyond the reach of other Westerners. Working in large format (mostly on glass plates he developed and printed himself in his mobile studio), Nani portrayed young couples, dignitaries,peasants and artisans. Equally gifted as an observer and reporter, he recorded everyday life scenes, religious ceremonies, architecture, and landscapes. Beautifully reproduced here in duotone, Nani's extraordinary material bears...

Фотосъемка на пляже
На улице -20, а то и все -30. Приходишь домой с отмороженными руками и носом, берешь кружку горячего чая с медом и..... смотришь на летние фотографии.  Эта новость будет посвящена неимоверно жаркому в этом году лету, прекрасной Ксюше и пляжу близ Солнечного.  На самом деле фотосъе...

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