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Ken Scott

Photographing Changing Light : A Guide for Landscape Photographers

Страниц: 168
Book Description This unique approach to outdoor photography will inspire and instruct anyone hoping to capture the beauty of landscape on film. Ken Scott reveals his own personal philosophy of shooting, demonstrated in multiple images and detailed captions. His magnificent pictures show ever-changing landscapes, where variations in light, weather, season, and time of day all have a dramatic impact on how we perceive a scene and influence the choice of lens, viewpoint, framing, and focus. Scott workswith simple, affordable equipment, and never uses filters or special effects that would ruin the integrity of the natural setting. The result: spectacular images derived from techniques that all photographers will want to try.

12 советов съёмки закатов

10 советов съемки семейной фотографии
Для фотогафа, навыки в семейных портретах являются важными. Взгляните на историю фотографии, один из самых популярных жанро...

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