Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Tim Grey

Learn to Make Great Digital Photos for 5 Bucks (Learn...for 5 Bucks)

Страниц: 64
Book DescriptionLearn to Make Great Digital Photos for 5 Bucks is a tight, bright, four-color, quick reference manual for anyone who wants to learn to use their digital camera. Written by an intelligent expert of digital photography, the text is integrated with large illustrations (either photographs or software interface shots). Brief tips or warnings at page bottom address any ancillary points not covered in the basic how-to text. There's nothing else. Readers will quickly learn the fundamentalsof using a digital camera: your camera's basic features, how to shoot in different lighting conditions, tips for different kinds of shots (portrait, landscape, close-up), basic rules all the pros know, and more than 50 tips and secrets that help get the perfect shot, or maybe just save your day. You'll also learn what to do with your images after you've imported them into your computer: managing your photo files, editing and cropping, printing, and emailing them to friends and family. This...
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Цифровая фотография

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