Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия справочники по фотографии / цифровая фотография / профессиональная фотография / любительская фотография / подарочные фотоальбомы / старые и старинные фотографии
Book DescriptionAn extraordinary photographic record of life under segregation, now with a new cover and special price to mark the 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education . As the nation reflects on the Supreme Court's 1954 ruling against "separate, but equal," this remarkable book of photographs reveals the realities of segregated life for urban blacks in the South. Henry Clay Anderson established Anderson Photo Service in Greenville, Mississippi in 1948. Throughout the 1950s and 60s, he photographed this relatively prosperous black community, recording the daily lives of the men and women who built the schools, churches, and hospitals that served their segregated society. His photographs of subjects ranging from family gatherings to nightclub musicians have strong political overtones. In his accompanying essay, writer Clifton Taulbert guides us through the photographs, recalling his own memories of Greenville. The book also contains an interview with the late...
Мы рады Вам сообщить всем читателям нашего сайта о том, что Pyatki.ru, New School Photo College и Яркий Мир объединятся в фотостудии на Нарвской. Вы сможете арендовать студию для своих проектов, также там будут проходить интресные события: мастер-классы, уроки фотошколы New School и т.д. Подробно о студии...