Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Bill Hurter

The Best of Portrait Photography : Techniques and Images from the Pros

Страниц: 128
Book DescriptionFilled with techniques and images from more than 50 top photographers, this unique guide serves as both a portrait photography how-to manual and an idea file that will jumpstart creativity and challenge photographers' assumptions about portraiture. Whether shooting weddings, fashion, group portraits, or executive images, digitally or on film, photographers will find new styles and advice to incorporate into their work. Included are tips for eliciting authentic expressions, creating dynamic compositions, using traditional lighting setups, composing family portraits to promote a feeling of harmony, posing and lighting children, and ensuring that clients are comfortable in front of the camera and lit in the most flattering way. A wide array of images representing the best in portraiture is provided-each accompanied by an analysis of the technical aspects of the print, from f-stop to film choice.

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