Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Sonja Bullaty

The World Trade Center Remembered Postcard Book

Страниц: 30
Book DescriptionThirty memorable photographs of the World Trade Center Towers. These beautifully reproduced postcards, whose images are among those included in The World Trade Center Remembered book, portray the majesty of the Twin Towers from all directions. For New Yorkers and visitors alike, the Trade Center was a compass point rising dramatically above other skyscrapers at the tip of Manhattan. For more than two decades, practically since the Twin Towers were erected, Sonja Bullaty and AngeloLomeo photographed these awesome buildings. There are captivating panoramas from Brooklyn, Lower Manhattan, New Jersey, and uptown, taken in all seasons, as well as a section showing the vibrant life in the grand plaza at the center of the buildings. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to a fund to assist the needy families of the uniformed services of New York City.
Категории каталога:
Города. Страны

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