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Ada Karmi-Melamede

Ada Karmi-Melamede, Architect: Life-Sciences Buildings, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Страниц: 182
Book DescriptionAt the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beersheva, Israel, the newly built life sciences complex has provided the ideal meeting place for avant-garde architecture and state-of-the-art science. Nestled in the Negev Desert, this institute with a floor area of 14'500m? is a perfect example of the beauty of concrete when used in an elegant and classical way. Its fine details, the skilful use of light and space are characteristic examples of the thoughtful design of this impressive structure. Helene Binet, the renowned architectural photographer, went to Israel to capture the building in expressive images especially for this publication. From the very first plans to the final details, this book documents the genesis of the building, highlighting the design process through the juxtaposition of plans and photos. Ada Karmi-Melamede has designed numerous buildings in Israel and has taught at Columbia and Yale University in the USA. David S. Robins was project...
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