Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Michael Collins

Record Pictures: Photographs From The Archive Of The Institution Of Civil Engineers

Страниц: 128
Book DescriptionBefore the invention of photography, civil engineers employed topographic artists to record the progression of their projects. Termed "record pictures," these illustrations followed the tradition of the Dutch topographical landscapes of the 17th century, combining the qualities of detail and clarity with the objectivity of technical drawings. As such, record pictures had a scientific rather than an artistic purpose, just as most photography did in its infancy. Photography?s prime value was historically regarded as its ability to make highly detailed, objective (and relatively inexpensive) records. Industry was quick to harness the new medium to make record pictures. Significantly, one of the founders of Britain?s Photographic Society was a leading civil engineer. This original application gave rise to a genre of landscape photography that has not been properly recognized. Record Pictures: Photographs from the Archive of the Institution of Civil Engineers...

Вода и скалы
Этот видеоролик снят на Южном острове Новой Зеландии 0самом большом острове одноименного государства. Хрустально чистая вода озер, в которых отражаются горные вершины, создают неповторимое впечатление единения воды и камня. Особенно подкупает внимание операторов к мельчайшим деталям пейзажей: птицам, обитателям здешних мест, и многолетним творениям природы 0камешкам, отполированным водой. А запуск воздушного шара и [...]

Видео блог Дмитрия Медведева
Эту новость я бы скорее всего не писала на блоге о фотографии, если бы не одно “НО”… Вот первое обращение Медведева:

> info@bibliophoto.ru <

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