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Kevin Starr

San Francisco

Страниц: 128
Book Description A cable-car silhouette stands against the lingering brilliance of the setting sun, the Golden Gate Bridge is aswirl in fog as dawn creeps over the bay. Victorian houses on Alamo Square, drenched in color, compete for attention, and stacks of steaming crabs await the tourists on Fisherman's Wharf. Throughout his career, Santi Visalli has beautifully captured the warmth and spirit of San Francisco, illustrated here in more than 95 photographs. An updated edition of the bestselling bookof the same name, San Francisco celebrates the city that continues to enchant visitors with its stunning topography, rich diversity, and eclectic architecture. Visalli has explored the Financial District, its skyline punctuated with skyscrapers such as the Transamerica Building; Chinatown, where East meets West in a medley of pagodas, antique stores, and exotic foods; historical San Francisco, with its nineteenth-century Victorian homes and refurbished developments, including...

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