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Secret Worlds

Страниц: 160
Book DescriptionA pioneer of high-speed photography, Stephen Dalton is one of the world's greatest nature photographers. These 250 astonishing images celebrate the birds, insects, mammals and countryside that Dalton appreciates as an artist, a scientist and a lover of wildlife. The concentrated energy of the visual work is offset by the light touch Dalton brings to the accompanying text. Informative and engaging, he tells of the challenges of adjusting to his subject's schedule rather than following his own. But Dalton's greatest gift is revealing the adaptive genius of some of nature's most familiar creatures. Secret Worlds features: - Nocturnal predators capturing prey - Frogs, mice, and fleas in mid-leap - The Jesus Lizard walking on water Naturalists everywhere will be enthralled by this vivid exploration of the hidden worlds that surround us.

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