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Snapshots: The Eye of the Century

Страниц: 560
Book DescriptionInterspersed with Vacation memoirs, family outings and everyday moments are amateur photos of Marilyn Monroe, Adolf Hitler, and Charlie Chaplin, along with a number of "private" nudes. "You press the button, we do the rest." Kodakused this slogan in ads for the first box cameras, introduced by George Eastman in 1888. From then on, virtually anyone could take pictures--the snapshot was born!~Without exception, the amateur photos presented in Snapshots: The Eye of the Century capture what are essentially ordinary moments--yet every trace of banality disappears once they are removed from the context of personal biography. Sometimes the moment is right, and art just "happens," in the form of double or multiple exposures, slipped horizons, or curious details that enter the picture frame because the camera moved just as the shutter was released. Christian R. Skrein-Bumballa, an artist and a former professional photographer, has tracked down and collected...

Одежда и реклама

Ночная фотосъемка.
Ночная съемка открывает фотографу мир интересных оптических эффектов и необычных творческих трактовок. Один из плюсов блуждания в потемках – сочетание постоянства и предсказуемости. Ведь ночью не нужно переживать из-за перемен погоды и расположения солнца. Следовательно, планировать снимок можно сколь угодно долго. Или возвращаться к той же ситуации с...

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