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Roni Horn

If on a Winter's Night...Roni Horn

Страниц: 128
Book DescriptionTo enter Roni Horn's realm requires courage. But you only become aware of this after the fact, when it's already too late to back away, to erase the ever-repeating images from your mind. Attracted by the endless pictures of water or blurring images of clouds and clowns, seduced by dozens of young girl faces and pairs of eyes, you enter her realm somewhat unsuspectingly. And then the lock clicks behind you, almost silently, and you are standing all alone in front of a work that upon closerinspection suddenly seems rather dry and reserved, perhaps even repetitive. But somehow you know it's not. In this volume Elisabeth Lebovici, Bell Hooks, Thierry de Duve, Urs Stahel, Paolo Herkenhoff and Barbara Kruger contribute essays on the elusive work of Roni Horn. Through their essays begins a dialogue with a work that at first seems eloquent because of its sequential polyphony, but grows increasingly complex with the realization that it breaks almost immediately with any...
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Цветокоррекция в портретной ретуши

Цветные стикеры-закладки для создания эффекта засветки
The post Цветные стикеры-закладки для создания эффекта засветки appeared first on Fototips.ru.

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