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Karen Kasmauski

Impact : On the Frontlines of Global Health

Страниц: 224
Book DescriptionThe eradication of smallpox proved that the world could unite to fight a common enemy. But this extraordinary triumph was soon eclipsed by the ferocious spread of AIDS, a humbling reminder that new infections still threaten. Today, polio is on the verge of being eradicated. But many age-old diseases, like tuberculosis and malaria, still take a deadly toll. The world of public health today is marked by many such contrasts. While people in some parts of the world suffer from diseases of malnutrition, others are in the midst of an epidemic of obesity from having too much. In some countries, state-of-the-art antiviral drugs are keeping people with AIDS alive. In others, babies die everyday from lack of clean drinking water. Impact: Fromthe Frontlines of Global Health offers a sweeping look at the state of the world?s health. National Geographic photographer Karen Kasmauski?s powerful images, created over the past 15 years, document both the suffering and...

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