Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Chris Weston

The Essential Lighting Manual for Digital and Film Photographers

Страниц: 208
Book DescriptionLight is the primary raw material for photography, and learning to use it creatively is one of the key skills required for better picture taking. The Essential Lighting Manual for Photographers offers a complete guide to mastering the art, empowering the amateur photographer and enabling the professional. The Essential Lighting Manual for Photographers is organized thematically by types of lighting and lighting technique, with practical and inspirational illustrations from popular subjects such as portrait, landscape, natural history, travel, close-up, architecture, interior and animal photography. Technical information covered includes: methods of metering light and achieving correct exposure, and why reflectors are so important; theuse of natural daylight, both indoors and out; the use of artificial light; and creative techniques to push photographic results beyond the realms of 'the snapshot'. The book also contains a detailed but clear guide to studio lighting...

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