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Deirdre O'Callaghan

Hide That Can : A Photographic Diary of the Men of Arlington House

Страниц: 192
Book DescriptionPhotographer Deirdre O?Callaghan has produced an unsettling but ultimately engaging document of the residents at Arlington House, Europe?s largest men?s refuge. Built in the early 20th century for intinerant irish workers, many of the residents have been displaced from their home country, Ireland, and suffer from mental and physical disabilities, largely alcoholism. O?Callaghan?s work reveals the humour and companionship the men derive from their shared experience, both in the refuge and on their return, sponsored, trips to Ireland. This book has been awarded the International Center of Photography's Infinity Award for Best Publication 2003, and the Arles Rencontres de la Photographie Award for Best Book 2003
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Порошенко похвалил украинских военных
Фoтo: facebook.com/petroporoshenko Укрaинскиe вoeнныe Зa пoслeдниe чeтырe гoдa удaлoсь нe прoстo вoзрoдить укрaинскую aрмию, нo…

Ярош выступил в поддержку николаевского губернатора
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