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William Wegman Polaroids

Страниц: 232
Book Description For more than 25 years, artist William Wegman (b. 1943) has been making brilliant and inventive photographs with the 20 x 24" Polaroid camera. In 1979, when Polaroid invited Wegman to try out this enormous camera, he began a series of photographs featuring his dog, Man Ray, initiating a remarkable collaboration. After Man Ray died in 1982, Wegman continued his exploration of the medium with non-canine subjects and, later, with the dog Fay Ray and an expanding universe of her progeny. Now published as a reduced-format paperback, William Wegman Polaroids gathers together the best of this work-hundreds of unique, large-format photographs-with an insightful essay by the artist exploring his experiences with the camera and his exceptional models. The book is not only a comprehensive survey but also a record of sustained artistic creativity and loving appreciation of the canine form that is bound to enchant a new generation of readers in this charming new...

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