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Giovanni Romano

The Aeolian Islands (Imago Mundi)

Страниц: 96
Book DescriptionGiancarlo Pradelli's idea of photographing the Aeolian Islands arose from a deep desire to be in direct contact with the sea. Lipari, Vulcano, Salina, Filicudi, Alicudi, Panarea and Stromboli lie north of Sicily, and are now on the UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization) World Heritage List. Pradelli chose to depict them in the truthful, transparent light of winter, immersed in an atmosphere of deep peace and silence, accompanied by the sound of the ocean and the disquieting presence of the volcanoes. The photographs are a personal visual journey rather than a detailed document of the islands. Pradelli identifies with the essence of the locations, blending with them and expressing their changing moods. In addition to landscape pictures, he photographed only two people: Turi the fisherman and Angela. In their simple ways, they encapsulate the essence of life on these small islands. He employs black-and-white film to capture the...

Olympus - Olympus 350
PMA 2009's photo finish CNET News06.03.09 - CNET NewsPMA 2009's photo finishCNET NewsAs for that rather poorly named "hybrid" camera space, Samsung announced its NX series concept, while Olympus showed the same prototype under glass that it unveiled at Photokina last fall, with ...

Olympus - Olympus 350
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