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Inherit the Land

Страниц: 96
Book Description This wrenching photo essay by Jack Lueders-Booth provides a rare and intimate view of the personal lives, dwellings and struggles of families who live and work in the garbage dumps of Tijuana, Mexico. Lueders-Booth's penetratingphotographs, made over a six-year period, are further illuminated in a personal way with an essay by prize-winning writer Luis Alberto Urrea. Author of the current bestseller The Devil's Highway: A True Story, Urrea worked as a missionary in the 1980s in the dumps that Lueders-Booth depicts in Inherit the Land. This will be the third collaboration between Lueders-Booth and Urrea. In the first two, Across the Wire and By the Lake of Sleeping Children, Lueders-Booth's photographs served to illustrate Urrea's text. In Inherit the Land, Urrea's writing augments Lueders-Booth's photographs. What has been produced, over these years of unprecedented access to the garbage dumps, tarpaper shacks, barrios, jails,back alleys and...

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