Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Nigel Atherton

An Illustrated A to Z of Digital Photography (Digital Photogrpahy A-Z S.)

Страниц: 176
Book Description This encyclopedic, visually spectacular guide is an essential resource for anyone striving to understand cutting-edge digital design theory and practice. As digital-based imagery grows increasingly popular, a rich vocabulary of technical language has emerged. These insider terms and instructions can completely mystify beginners and experts alike, hindering their progress. But with this thoroughly practical, stylishly laid-out A-to-Z of tips, facts, and exercises that hone skills and explain the hidden functions of the digital camera, all photographers can be in the know. It ranges from "Architecture" to "Zoom," features a detailed index, and contains a complete course of unique Photoshop tutorials that present both fundamental and advanced techniques. It's the short cut to joining the digital revolution, and getting great results.

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