Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Glenn Rand

Digital Photographic Capture

Страниц: 232
Book DescriptionThe major function of photography is to capture a picture from what is in front of you. Whether a picture of the family pet or advertising spread, the acquisition of the scene is the first step in the digital image process. Digital Photographic Capture takes that first step and it breaks it down in detail so you can understand and better manipulate the mechanics of the process. As we transition from the silver halide base of photography to an electronic enabled future, we can step to the side and look at the intersection of these processes. Today it is not that one is superior in all situations, but that in the imaging world hybrid imaging maintains uses in unique applications and has certain advantages. Digital Photographic Capture explores construction and functions of the various parts and processes used to capture images. Sensors, lenses, creation, storage, and hybrid imaging are all broken down into basic explanations, enabling the photographer to...

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Сущенко перевели из одиночной камеры 0Pзащитник
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