Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Mark Lucock

Professional Landscape and Environmental Photography : 35mm to Large Format

Страниц: 192
Book Description From rainforests to rocks and mountains, grasslands to the concrete jungle: with these fundamentals, photographers can capture the magnificence of any landscape, natural or urban. Through dozens of exquisite examples of professional work, acquire a better understanding of the magical craft of environmental photography. Here is all the information needed to improve your skills in recording and highlighting nature's intricacy and beauty. See how to control exposures and use filters. Find out the particular advantages of every camera type, from 35mm compact to 5x4 inch view cameras. Best of all, a photographer and scientist discusses his experiences in the field with engaging enthusiasm, and shares the technical and aesthetic lessons he's learned. Plus, there's invaluable advice on marketing photos-to help fund this marvelous hobby.

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