Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Jonathan Chester

Extreme Digital Photography (One Off)

Страниц: 192
Book Description "Extreme Digital Photography" offers practical advice for taking digital photographs in extreme environments. It covers the practicalities of equipment, trip planning, communication and survival, along with in-depth guides to various locales - from climbing Everest, to rafting the Takeze, to surviving the Sahara, and features stunning photographs taken from every region. It gives serious, in-depth information for people planning to take their digital camera with them on a trip to a wild locale, while at the same time providing beautiful images of extreme environments for those who just wish they were going. The practical information provided in this book can also be used on any journey where a digital camera is taken out into the wild.

Фотографии DeLorean, снятые с помощью игрушечной машинки, зажигалки и шлифовального инструмента

Фотограф снял укус змеи и остался жив

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