Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Annabel Williams

The Annabel Williams Book of Wedding and Portrait Photography

Страниц: 272
Book DescriptionAnnable Williams is a leading exponent of today's more contemporary, relaxed and ever-popular wedding and portrait style. In this, her illuminating and personal guide to photography, Annable addresses not only the technical aspects of thecraft, but also reveals new and innovative ways of working and marketing your photographs. Rather than a traditional, technical book on gadgets, lights and filters, Annabel introduces methods of working which give the photographer unprecedented freedom to produce commercially successful, natural looking pictures. Annable reveals how to cover all aspects of a wedding or compose a portrait in a modern style that will appeal to every generation. An essential resource for any photographer keen to developa more expressive style.

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