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Kathleen Hawkins

The Parent's Guide to Photographing Children and Families : Simple Techniques for Beautiful Digital Portraits (Digital Quick Guides series)

Страниц: 96
Book Description This series of step-by-step guides acquaints amateur digital photographers with the full spectrum of techniques and technology they need to attain the professional edge in digital imaging. The manuals offer a clear, no-nonsense approach to teaching basic skills, such as understanding the basic functions of the digital camera and how to arrange a photograph artistically, while more experienced photographers will profit from the guides that focus on complex issues, including effective posing and lighting strategies, color and image balancing methods, and design techniques for perfecting the digital image in Adobe Photoshop Elements. Busy parents can still take expressive pictures of their family with this easy-to-use guide to digital family portraits. Capturing compelling moments will be easier and more frequent with basic tips for photographing fast-moving children and capturing a child's fleeting facial expressions. User-friendly techniques on lighting and...

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Olympus E-620 0самый маленький DSLR-аппарат со стабилизацией 3DNews24.02.09 - 3DNewsOlympus E-620 0самый малюсенький DSLR-аппарат со стабилизацией3DNewsКамера также оснащена эксклюзивным Ультразвуковым Волновым Фильтром Olympus, являющимся самой эффективной ...

Olympus - Olympus xd
Olympus E-620 0самый маленький DSLR-аппарат со стабилизацией 3DNews24.02.09 - 3DNewsOlympus E-620 0самый чуточный DSLR-аппарат со стабилизацией3DNewsКамера также оснащена эксклюзивным Ультразвуковым Волновым Фильтром Olympus, являющимся самой эффективной сис...

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