Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Christine D. Hauber

Working in the USA

Book DescriptionFor three years photographer Christine Hauber traveled throughout the United States to explore work life at the turn of the 21st Century. The hundreds of images that resulted, as well as the subjects' own words, reveal a surprising amountof worker pride, optimism and satisfaction. Recorded here are the faces and words of ordinary people, who in their diversity and uniqueness offer a cross-section of the richness of American life. Working in the USA, gives readers a glimpse of who and what Hauber discovered during her documentary labor of love. The diversity on the pages of Working in the USA makes it an important contribution to the country's history. Each photograph is a snapshot in time, a time when job opportunity and freedomof choice are as obvious to workers as the color of the sky. Hauber's randomly selected subjects rarely complained about their occupations. They often expressed a belief that lack of desire and hope spells employment failure, but...
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Что такое экспозамер. Видеоурок от Saurav Sinha (на русском)
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Что такое лав стори
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