Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
справочники по фотографии / цифровая фотография /
профессиональная фотография /
любительская фотография / подарочные фотоальбомы /
старые и старинные фотографии

William & Catherine: Their Romance and Royal Wedding in Photographs

Perhaps because we have no royalty, Americans especially are fascinated by the pageantry and fairy-tale romance of British weddings. Few events capture the world's heart and imagination like a British royal wedding. In 1981, we were enchanted as Prince Charles wed lovely Lady Di, generating worldwide attention and massive sales of wedding-related products. As the young managing editor of a photo-news agency, Cohen directed a team of five photojournalists who covered the wedding for several major news magazines. Through more than two hundred spectacular photographs (including 80 pages of their wedding alone), William & Catherine recounts the couple's wildly different childhoods, their romance and engagement, the events leading up to the wedding, and the grand affair itself - watched by over two billion worldwide. Here are the massive crowds lining the parade route, the sparkling celebrities at Westminster Abbey, the bride's spectacular gown, "The Kisses" on Buckingham Palace's balcony, and the worldwide celebrations. Also included is a brief pictorial history of British royal weddings from Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in 1840 to Prince Charles and Lady Diana in 1981. Including a brief history of British royal weddings, fascinating detailed captions, and a foreword by renowned royal watcher Robert Jobson, author of William & Kate, The Love Story and royal correspondent for four major British newspapers, this book magnificently illustrates the pomp, the pageantry, the history and enchantment of the romance that charmed the world.
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Люди. Знаменитости

Фотосъемка авторских платьев в интерьере

Фотосъемка Миссис Россия0АЃ@@А@@@2016
Как с помощью нескольких схем света создавать выразительные портреты в студии. При планировании фотосъемки миссис победительницы конкурса [Миссис Россия-Вселенная 2016k мы решили использовать в качестве системы освещения приборы Hensel, так сказать, протестировать их в режиме реальной работы. Для работы мы выбрали три моноблока Hensel Integra 500 freemask. Почему именно их? Мощности в 500 джоулей вполне […]

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