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Ellen Von Unwerth

The Passion of Olga

Страниц: 350
Hedonism unleashed. Extravagant debauchery as high art. Although not by any means your traditional fairy tale, Ellen von Unwerth's "The Passion of Olga" is a fairy tale nonetheless. The photographic narrative traces the journey of a young widow, Olga Rodionova, who after the death of her wealthy, elderly husband, is overtaken by an insatiable lust. She searches for love only to find it in the arms of an unlikely source, far from the riches and extravagance where she believed it resided it her youth. It is Olga's quest that reverses the traditional fairy tale, she is a heroine who is not afraid of her desire and it is from her search for sensuality that she finds the ubiquitous, love story, happy ending. A glorious chateau as its setting, replete with all the trappings of wealth and glamour, "The Passion of Olga" presents us with sumptuous images that bring to life the enviable luxury of both fairy tales and modern desire.

5 ситуаций, когда ручная фокусировка лучше автоматической
Не удивительно что большинство фотографов, никогда не используют возможность их камер и объектива работать в режиме ручной фокусировки. На этой неделе, я разговаривал с одним из владельцев цифрозеркалки, он даже не знал что на объективе есть переключение авто/ручной фокус.

5 ситуаций, когда ручная фокусировка лучше автоматической

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