Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Jackie Higgins

Why It Does not Have to Be in Focus: Modern Photography Explained

Thames and Hudson, 2013
Страниц: 224
Формат: 145x205
Photography long ago ceased to be exclusively a medium for accurately presenting what is in front of the photographer. But from out-of-focus images to photographs of photographs, an apparent lack of technique can still often be mistaken for a lack of artistk sophistication. In WHY IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE IN FOCUS, Jackie Higgins explains the artistry behind 100 key works of modern photography, revealing their hidden layers of emotional expression and the complex processes involved in their composition. Discover how photographs can blur the lines between fantasy and reality, and how they capture the fluidity of time. Above all, find out why there's so much more to the art of photography than "point and click".

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