Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Scott Albrecht

Live the Life You Love Postcard Box: 100 HAND-LETTERED POSTCARDS

Страниц: 100
For design enthusiasts and those who appreciate a well-phrased aphorism, Brooklyn-based artist Scotty Albrecht matches his quirky affirmations with hand-drawn typography in this original collection of 100 postcards. In the era of email and standard typefaces, the use of postcards and hand-drawn typography represents a revival in personal touches; an individuality and intimate connection with another that is diminished through the electronic static of the Internet and the ubiquitous Times New Roman font. Featuring 25 witty and inspirational hand-written aphorisms (reproduced 4 times), and housed in a kraft-paper box designed by the artist, this 100-card postcard set is an excellent value at $20.00 and a wonderful gift for craft and design enthusiasts.

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