Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Scott Schuman

The Sartorialist: Closer

Penguin Books Ltd., 2012
Страниц: 512
Формат: 175x250
After the enormous success of " The Sartorialist: Closer", Scott Schuman is back with a completely new collection of beautiful images of the men and women who have caught his attention. His much-loved blog, thesartorialist.com, remains one of the most-read in the fashion world and continues to grow in popularity as Scott travels further and more widely. This book emcompasses the diverse style and visual attitude of people as far afield as Japan, Korea, London, Milan, New York, Paris, and beyond, and includes nearly forty exclusive images. In "The Sartorialist: Closer", Scott Schuman looks deeper and with great breadth at human style, and the way it is expressed across the world. Always reacting to an inspirational moment, the images in his new book continue to reflect Scott's unique sensibility and vision. This limited-edition hardcover features a gorgeous slipcover, colored endpapers, and sewn pages and is individually numbered.
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