Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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David Leibowitz

Mobile Digital Art: Using the iPad and iPhone as Creative Tools

Focal Press, 2012
Страниц: 288
Learn how to create beautiful artwork on your iPad or iPhone. Over 65 expert artists from around the world will show you how they created their original art, from inspiration and conceptualization, to the creation of the final image. Using step-by-step examples and easy-to-follow tutorials, you'll learn how to create stunning images on your iPad or iPhone. Learn more about using the apps you already have, like Brushes, and discover new apps that will enhance your art creation like Sketchbook Mobile, Layers, Collage, Juxtaposer, Hiptamatic, and PhotoFX. Whether you are taking you first steps into digital art, or are an accomplished artist looking to broaden your skill set, Mobile Digital Art covers it all - how to turn photographs into oil paintings, design cartoons from scratch and create beautiful landscape vistas - all on your iPad or iPhone. Learn to create awesome art on your iPhone, iTouch or iPad-the techniques and concepts covered are applicable on whatever Apple mobile device...
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