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The Rolling Stones 50

Thames and Hudson, 2012
Страниц: 352
Формат: 255x310
On Thursday 12 July 1962 the Rolling Stones went on stage at the Marquee Club in London's Oxford Street. In the intervening fifty years the Stones have performed live in front of more people than any band... ever. They've played the smallest blues clubs and some of the biggest stadium tours of all time. They've had No.1 singles and albums in every country that has a popular music chart and have helped define global popular culture. A phenomenal half-century later, they now look back at their astounding career. Curated, introduced and narrated by the band themselves, The Rolling Stones 50 is the only officially authorized book to celebrate this milestone. With privileged access to a wealth of unseen and rare material, it is packed with superb reportage photography, contact sheets, negative strips, outtakes and so much more, from every period in the band's history. With more than 1,000 illustrations, it also features some of the most rare and interesting Stones memorabilia in existence:...
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