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Mario Testino

Mario Testino: Private View

Taschen, 2012
Страниц: 256
Формат: 240x320
The mere mention of Mario Testino's name evokes a rush of adrenalin in anyone that cares, even a bit, about the worlds of fashion and celebrity. So omnipresent is he at major magazine shoots and A-list events - an insider if ever there was one - that he has become a celebrity himself. The launch of Testino's latest book, to celebrate his inaugural exhibition in China, brings together an exciting selection of his best studio work with glamorous examples of his candid shots. A beaming Gwyneth Paltrow clutching her freshly-won Oscar, a fur-cloaked Jennifer Lopez atop a commode, and the unforgettable portraits of royalty including Diana, Princess of Wales, and her sons are just a few of the hundreds of iconic pictures that are brought together, for the first time, inside the book. Testino's best recent advertising and fashion work rounds out the selection, making this a must-have collector's item for any art or fashion lover's library. Contributing authors: Graydon Carter, Karl...

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