Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Cicely Mary Barker

Flower Fairies: One Hundred Postcards

Frederick Warne Publishers, 2012
Страниц: 100
Формат: 115x170
This enchanting collection of one hundred postcards features a selection of Cicely Mary Barker's most exquisite Flower Fairy paintings. From the ethereal seasonal fairies, through to the playful fairy alphabet, this magical box celebrates Cicely Mary Barker's incredible talent and the enduring appeal of the beautiful fairies she created. Postcards include fairies from all 8 Flower Fairies books: "Flower Fairies of the Spring", "Flower Fairies of the Summer", "Flower Fairies of the Autumn", "Flower Fairies of the Winter", "A Flower Fairy Alphabet", "Flower Fairies of the Trees", "Flower Fairies of the Garden" and "Flower Fairies of the Wayside".

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