Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Peter Bargh

Photoshop 5.5 A to Z: The Essential Visual Reference Guide

This book is an essential purchase for everyone using Photoshop: students, professionals and amateurs. It is a one of a kind - an easily accessible visual guide to all those Photoshop terms. Keep it next to your computer screen as a constant reference, ready to save you hours of frustration when the meaning of that term or specific word is on the tip of your tongue. Is it worth upgrading to the next version of Photoshop? Peter Bargh provides a unique cross-reference chart showing the different features added in each Photoshop update to help you decide. This is an example of the extra information Peter provides in his appendices. These also include comprehensive visual listings of Photoshop fonts, useful shortcuts, a visual guide to Photoshop related Web sites and record data sheets that you can use to write down your own techniques that work well and re-use them again and again. With a highly visual, full color layout this book is a welcome addition to the Photoshop...
Категории каталога:
Adobe Photoshop

Зеркальный фотоаппарат - Ex s500
Marќa Julia tendr‘ que devolver $2 millones por enriquecimiento ilќcito infoBAE profesional05.03.09 - Marќa Julia tendr‘ que devolver $2 millones por enriquecimiento ilќcitoinfoBAE profesionalEl Tribunal Oral Federal 4 (TOF4) intimЈ a la ex funcionaria menemista Marќa Julia Alsogaray a que devuelva al Estado dinero producto de un enrique...

Зеркальный фотоаппарат - Ex s500
La Crisis EconЈmica Es Una Gran Estafa La Historia Paralela27.03.09 - La Crisis EconЈmica Es Una Gran EstafaLa Historia ParalelaHace tres aЎos, una persona de mi familia que vivќa en el extranjero, me contЈ que pensaba comprar una casa por algo asќ como u$s500.000, con un pr™stamo a 30 aЎos pagadero en 0“Јmodas0ђcuotas con un inter™s bajќsimo. Le ...

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