Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Rolling Stone 1000 Covers: A History of the Most Influential Magazine in Pop Culture

Abrams, 2006
Страниц: 568
Формат: 195x235
This book, the complete collection of ROLLING STONE'S covers from 1967 to the present, represents not just the evolution of a magazine but a record of our times. For almost four decades, no surer sign has heralded the arrival of a performer, artist or personality than an appearance on the cover of ROLLING STONE. Virtually every important rock musician and movie star has appeared on one of the nearly one thousand covers reproduced here, along with the politicians, comedians, cartoon characters, filmmakers, pop singers and TV actors who have helped to shape our era.
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Люди. Знаменитости

Pentax - Pentax f
Объектив Sigma 18-250mm F3.5-6.3 DC OS HSM 0Pстабилизированный универсал17.01.09 - iXBT.com 18-250 мм (в 35-миллиметровом эквиваленте); Максимальная автодиафрагма 0Pf/3,5; Минимальная диафрагма 0Pf/22; Число лепестков диафрагмы 0P7; Минимальная дистанция фокусировки 0P45 см; Максимальное ...

Pentax - Pentax f
Pentax: A novice's delight Sify20.02.09 - SifyPentax: A novice's delightSifyPentax announced the 10.2MP Km (also called the K2000) in September 2008. When the kit arrived, the boxed kit contained two lenses - the 18 -...

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