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Michael Naranjo

Inner Vision: the sculpture of Michael Naranjo

Страниц: 160
Within the pages of this book is the story of sculptor Michael Naranjo, and if a picture is worth a thousand words, the reader will see he has quite a story to tell. In the 164 images portrayed lies the story of a man who did what he was told he couldn't do: succeed in his career as a sculptor after being blinded by a grenade explosion while serving in the U.S. Army in Vietnam in 1968. This book reveals the development of a compelling style and the growth of Naranjo's career as an artist - a lifetime of work in bronze. His complete collection of limited edition bronzes, created from 1970 through 2010 are represented here. Scattered throughout the book are short vignettes wherein Naranjo tells stories in his own words touching on many different aspects of his life and his art and the growth of his career to become one of the leading sculptors in America today.

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