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Jeff Carlson

The iPad for Photographers: Master the Newest Tool in Your Camera Bag

Страниц: 224
The iPad Has Earned a Place in Your Camera Bag!Apple's popular iPad tablet is an incredibly useful tool for photographers on the go. Instead of hauling a laptop on the road or to a photo shoot, you can tuck the lightweight iPad in your camera bag and take advantage of its large screen, third-party apps, and online access to effectively complete and share your work.Novice to pro shooters will discover everything that the iPad has to offer with simple step-by-step instructions and real-world advice for:Importing and copying photos from memory cards using the iPad Camera Connection Kit, then uploading and backing up to iCloud Photo Stream or Dropbox.Organizing and rating images and assigning tags in the field, and integrating them later with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom on your computer.Editing photos with Photogene, Snapseed, and other image adjustment tools.Editing video clips in iMovie, creating slideshows, rough cuts, and more.Using portfolio software to create and deliver impressive...

Фотоаппарат - Фотоаппарат olympus
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Фотоаппарат - Фотоаппарат olympus
Olympus представила новую компактную зеркальную камеру Е-450 Ferra31.03.09 - FerraOlympus представила новую компактную зеркальную камеру Е-450FerraЗеркальный фотоаппарат Olympus E-450 по рукам в комплекте с объективами ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 14-42мм f3.5-5.6 и ED 40-150мм f4.0-5.6 и достаточно 699 долларов. Комплект с од...

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