Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Anne Taintor

Someone has to set a bad example: An Anne Taintor Collection

Страниц: 176
We can t be good all the time, and no one knows it better than Anne Taintor. This generous collection of her most popular artwork includes more than 150 images in categories such as friendship (a real friend will help you hide the body), motherhood (WOW! I get to give birth AND change diapers!), money (screw the budget!), attitude (let a smirk be your umbrella), and more. Also featuring an introduction by Taintor, this hilarious volume perfectly captures the deliciously sarcastic, snarky, and honest things that most women have found themselves thinking at one time or another. If you re looking for trouble, look no further....

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