Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Guoping Ren

Teaching Chinese the American Way

Страниц: 338
Teaching Chinese the American Way is a guide book for Chinese instructors in teaching Chinese, mostly for middle and high school instructors, particularly for those who have less understanding of the American education system. With all sizes and levels of the Chinese classroom in mind, the author provides the teachers with models of games/activities for their adaptation in order to motivate the students in learning Chinese, to make the class active, to enhance the dry textbooks, and to make Chinese fun to learn. Most of the games and activities can be easily adapted for use in classrooms at all vocabulary and grammar levels. Readers can integrate these games and activities into a specific textbook and fit in with the Chinese language curriculum requirements of the school. Some adaptation is needed, depending on the level of instruction, the textbook used and the vocabulary that the students have learned. What make the book useful are the conception, idea and suggested...

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