Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Brendan Cassidy

Gavin Hamilton (1723-1798). Artist, Antiquarian and Art Dealer in Eighteenth-Century Rome: With an Edition of his Letters (Collectors and Dealers)

Страниц: 750
Gavin Hamilton (1723 - 1798), the Scottish-born painter who spent most of his life in Italy, was one of the most prominent figures among the artists and collectors of 18th-century Europe. Although he first came to Rome to further his career as a painter and pursue his interests in the Antique, he soon found himself in the circle of distinguished artists, critics and antiquarians, many of whom were British visitors to Italy on the Grand Tour seeking to build or augment their collections of paintings and archaeological findings. It was thus an easy move for Hamilton to begin dealing in works of art, and his activity as an art-dealer was to become his major occupation on which his name and reputation was to be built. The present publication, with its introductory essay on Hamilton's life and career, and the corpus of more than 300 edited and annotated letters, provides a significant contribution to the literature on the history of collecting. It brings evidence of Hamilton's...

Forrester покупает JupiterResearch за 23 млн. долларов
Корпорация Forrester Research Inc. объявила о приобретении Jupiter Research LLC и ее материнской компании JUPR Holdings Inc. за 23 млн. долларов наличными, а также взяла на себя ответственность по обязательствам компании MCG Capital Corporation, которая приобрела этот бизнесP6 мартаPза 10,1 млн. долларов и объединила его с собственной компанией Kagan Research LLC.

Corbis обновила свою коллекцию спортивных фотографий
Компания Corbis,Pкрупнейший мировой поставщик стоковых фотоизображений, объявила о расширении своей коллекции спортивных фотографий.PКоллекция пополнилась благодаря замечательной работеPфотографа Джейсона Джойса (Jason Joyce),Pкоторый представил фотографии известных спортсменов иPдействующих чемпионов, а такжеPснимки соревнований.

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